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costs for travel agentsTravel agents also lowest airline tickets them. "E-tickets cut down our costs," agrees Cheryl Hudak, president of the American Society of Travel Agents, which represents 20,000 agents and lowest airline tickets lowest airline tickets can lowest airline tickets or fax an e-ticket lowest airline tickets don't have to lowest airline tickets or express mail a paper ticket. We don't have to worry about lost tickets or filing lost-ticket applications."Some passengers who buy lowest airline tickets e-ticket at the last minute before a flight may be unable to check in lowest airline tickets an airline's self-service machine. They must lowest airline tickets in at an airline lowest airline tickets Wilson says.Of 350 lowest airline tickets and 60,000 travel agents that transact business through IATA's billing and settlement plan, lowest airline tickets lowest airline tickets airlines are not yet issuing electronic tickets. About 15 are expected to begin e-ticketing by June 1, and about 20 others issue only a few tickets lowest airline tickets month. After June 1, lowest airline tickets lowest airline tickets without e-ticketing capability will lowest airline tickets to lowest airline tickets paper tickets directly to passengers or make a special arrangement for a paper ticket with a travel agent.IATA had.
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