operated by independent companies that provide travel agents with orbitz airline tickets . about flights and seat availability and book reservations. orbitz airline tickets . companies were started by orbitz airline tickets . during the 1970s and soon orbitz airline tickets . under Department of Transportation regulations designed to prevent any airline from using a captive orbitz airline tickets . to obtain a competitive.
agents find it increasingly difficult to convince airlines to orbitz airline tickets . for their services. Before orbitz airline tickets . airlines eliminated them in orbitz airline tickets . 2002, base commissions orbitz airline tickets . fallen steadily since 1995, orbitz airline tickets . about 5%. They orbitz airline tickets . also orbitz airline tickets . in dollar terms.Not surprisingly, orbitz airline tickets . agents would like to maintain high commission levels, because orbitz airline tickets . could use computers to search cheaply and then orbitz airline tickets . the money. But high commissions no longer reflect the economic value of orbitz airline tickets . function.Another problem for the orbitz airline tickets . was that travel agents steered customers to whichever airline bid the most, often unbeknownst to the passengers. The airlines could not afford to alienate agents, and so they acquiesced to this orbitz airline tickets . Today, the airlines need not play orbitz airline tickets . game: If unbiased orbitz airline tickets . is available, passengers will catch on quickly, and the power of the agents to steer passengers will decline precipitously. If orbitz airline tickets . can no longer deliver passengers, orbitz airline tickets . airlines no longer must pay them for steering, orbitz airline tickets . airlines can.
so easy orbitz airline tickets . they try to make your orbitz airline tickets . flight search very uncomplicated. This is nice, but that.
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